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Information Letters
Year 3 Information Letter Autumn 1Year 3 Information Letter Autumn 2Year 3 Information Letter Spring 1Year 3 Information Letter Spring 2
Information Posts
Fairytale Day
As our hook to our Mirror, Mirror topic, Year 3 will be taking part in a Fairytale workshop as well as other Fairytale activities on Wednesday 8th January 2025. On this day, we are inviting children to come to school dressed as a character from a fairytale. Children do not have to dress up.
We are also asking, If you have any traditional fairytales from your culture that you are happy for us to borrow and share with all of the children, please can children bring them to school on this day.
DT Project
On the week commencing 16th December, Year 3 will be making recycled gift bags as part of their 'Protect Our Planet' topic. In order do be able to do this, we are asking children to bring in any of the items below that you may have at home.
Examples of what can be brought in:
- Cardboard
- Old clothes
- String
- Old shoe laces
- Plastic bottles
- Newspapers
- Any left over crafting supplies
Year 3 Show - Born in a Barn
Year 3 will be performing their show 'Born in a Barn' on Tuesday 17th December and Wednesday 18th December.
Children have been sent home with song lyrics for them to start learning.
Teachers will be sending home scripts (if your child has a speaking part) and costume slips on w.c. 11th November.
Ticket letters will be sent home w.c. 2nd December.
Anti-bullying Week
Anti - Bullying week is 11th - 15th November
We will be recognising Anti-Bullying Week on Tuesday 12th November
Children are invited to come to school wearing odd socks on this day if they would like to. We wear odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness, challenge stereotypes, and promote acceptance.
Children will be participating in activities on the day which discuss bullying and what they can do if they need help.
Black History Month
Throughout the year there are months that celebrate the history of different groups of people. These months help us to learn more about people, their history and their importance to the wider world. Black History Month is celebrated each year in October. It is a chance to celebrate the achievements of black people past and present.
Children will be taking part in activities this month.
World Mental Health Day
Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. To raise awareness of the importance of good mental health, schools across the country are inviting the children to wear a yellow accessory to school for the day if they would like to. Yellow is a colour that symbolises hope, optimism and happiness.
In class, children will be taking part in an activity to discuss mental health.
Children must still be in full uniform but can also wear something yellow such as:
Yellow socks
Yellow badge
Yellow ribbon
Yellow hat
Yellow hair accessory
Or any other yellow accessory you can think of!
Children do NOT need to bring in any money or donations and the yellow accessory is voluntary
Parent Forum Slides
Year 3 Parent Forum 2024-2025 Slides
Dorset Road Update
From Monday 23rd September, pupils in KS2 who enter the school via Dorset Road Gate will enter the building through the Nursery Garden. They will walk around the side of Junebug classroom and into the Nursery Garden where they will be able to enter the school via the external door to the Studio Hall. Staff will be there to support children getting into school.
Awards and Attendance
Class Teacher Awards (07.03.25)
3M - Elyssia & Anvi
3S - Trisha & Franca
3C - Mila & Eniola
3O - Nela & Aisha
Year Group Leader Awards - Samarth & Aayana
Head of Phase Award - Ani
Attendance Winner: 3C with 99.5%
Class Teacher Awards (28.02.25)
3M - Whole class & Isabella
3S - Zuha & Ali A
3C - Emilie & Rohan
3O - Ani & Rosealie
Year Group Leader Awards - Connor & Kushagra
Head of Phase Award - Emilie
Attendance Winner: 3C with 99.2%
Class Teacher Awards (14.02.25)
3M - Elyssia & Hirad
3S - Zuha & Ali A
3C - Dara & Tylen
3O - Ellis & Sumayyah
Attendance Winner: 3C with 97.5%
Class Teacher Awards (31.01.25)
3M - Oliver & Aadhya
3S - Teddie & Joseph
3C - Akshayan & Vinisha
3O - Alex & Mahsa
Year Group Leader Award: Skye
Attendance Winner: 3M with 97.4%
Greenest Classroom: 3M...again!
Class Teacher Awards (24.01.25)
3M - Ayla & Leo
3S - Zara & Zoha
3C - Aarohi & Aarawin
3O - Aahana & Sami
Year Group Leader Award: Elliott & Aayana
Attendance Winner: 3C with 98.7%!
Greenest Classroom: 3M!
Class Teacher Awards (17.01.25)
3M - Tanya & Bhavya
3S - Daisy & Robert
3C - Amir & Aidan
3O - Jackson & Nico
Year Group Leader Award: Zara, Uthman, Nela & Dara
Attendance Winner: 3O with 99.5%!
Class Teacher Awards (10.01.25)
3M - Whole class and Kushagra
3S - Rosa and Lyle
3C - Shri and Matthew
3O - Saesha
Phase Leader Award: Mikyle
Congratulations to the recipients of the Year 3 Autumn Term Merit Award Certificate:
Thamira, Lynda, Silas and Mikyle
Congratulations to the recipients of the Year 3 and Year 4 Autumn Term French Award Certificate:
Aayana and Lara
Class Teacher Awards (13.12.24)
3M - Ishan and Ava
3S - Rosa and Zoha
3C - Shreyas and Faizan
3O - Ayanna and Nico
Class Teacher Awards (29.11.24)
3M - Noah and Zainab
3S - Harley and Zara
3C - Dillon and Keba
3O - TBC
Attendance Winner - 3M with 99.5%
Class Teacher Awards (22.11.24)
3M - Thomas and Silver
3S - Elnaz and Callum
3C - Tylen and Dara
3O - Saesha and Ananta
Year Group Leader Award: Kash (3O) and Aarawin (3C)
Attendance Winner - 3M with 98.3%
Class Teacher Awards (15.11.24)
3M - Lua and Mikyle
3S - Jahnavi and Nathan
3C - Bruno and Darcy
3O - Evie and Aayana
Year Group Leader Award: Jackson (3O) and Emilie (3C)
Attendance Winner - 3C with 99.2%!
Class Teacher Awards (08.11.24)
3M - Elyssia and Florence
3S - Elliott and Heidi
3O - Teddy and Chloe
Year Group Leader Award: Aisha (3O) and Ayda (3S)
Attendance Winner - 3C with 99%!
Class Teacher Awards (18.10.24)
3M - Rowan and Leonard
3S - Elliott and Hafiswa
3C - Daisy and Eniola
3O - Payton and Jackson
Year Group Leader Award: Ani (3O) and Aayana (3O)
Attendance Winner - 3M with 99.7%!
Class Teacher Awards (11.10.24)
3M - Reuben and Theia
3S - Maryam and Ardal
3C - Scarlett and Marcin
3O - Ellis and Kash
Year Group Leader Award: Noah (3M)
Attendance Winner - 3C with 99.7%!
Class Teacher Awards (04.10.24)
3M - Connor and Etienne
3S - Franca and Zayyan
3C - Emma and Silas
3O - Jiyansh and Montana
Year Group Leader Award: Arsal (3S) and Athena (3C)
Attendance Winner - 3C with 99.7%!
Class Teacher Awards (27.09.24)
3M - Hirad
3S - Naqasha and Dikshan
3C - Sadie and Eddie
3O - Nico and Acelynn
Year Group Leader Award: Tallulah (3O)
Attendance Winner - 3S with 98.8%!
Class Teacher Awards (20.09.24)
3M - Lucy
3S - Thamira and Milosz
3C - Skye and Rohan
3O - Lynda and Evie
Year Group Leader Award: Cathy (3O)
Attendance Winner - 3O with 99.5%!
Class Teacher Awards (13.09.24)
3M - Whole Class
3S - Uthman and Trisha
3C - Mila and Isaac
3O - Jayden and Rosalie
Attendance Winner - 3S with 99.5%!
Weekly Learning Journey
Week Commencing 10th March
Extreme Earth - Week 3 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 3 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 3rd March
Extreme Earth - Week 2 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 2 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 24th February
Extreme Earth - Week 1 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 1 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 10th February
Mirror Mirror - Week 6 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 3rd February
Mirror Mirror - Week 5 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 5 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 27th January
Mirror Mirror - Week 4 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 4 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 20th January
Mirror Mirror - Week 3 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 3 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 13th January
Mirror Mirror - Week 2 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 2 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 6th January
Mirror Mirror - Week 1 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 1 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 16th December
Protect Our Planet - Week 7 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 7 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 9nd December
Protect Our Planet - Week 6 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 2nd December
Protect Our Planet - Week 5 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 5 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 25th November
Protect Our Planet - Week 4 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 4 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 15th November
Protect Our Planet - Week 3 Learning JourneyMaths - Week 3 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 11th November
Protect Our Planet - Week 2 Learning Journey
Maths - Week 2 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 14th October
Ancient Egyptians Week 7 Learning JourneyMaths Week 7 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 7th October
Ancient Egyptians Week 6 Learning JourneyMaths Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 30th September
Ancient Egyptians Week 5 Learning JourneyMaths Week 5 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 23rd September
Ancient Egyptians Week 4 Learning JourneyMaths Week 4 Learning Journey
Week Commencing 16th September
Ancient Egyptians Week 3 Learning Journey